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Balance bikes

Balance bikes

Balance bikes

Balance bike is a small bicycle without pedals. It has two wheels, a frame, handlebars, and a seat. Balance bikes are an excellent aid before learning to ride a classic bicycle without training wheels. Children learn to balance on it by bouncing their feet off the ground. Once they have mastered the balance, they can easily switch to a bike with pedals.

The main benefits of the bicycle are:

  • they help children develop a sense of balance and coordination.
  • they help children learn to ride and control a bicycle.
  • they are a fun and safe way for children to learn how to ride a bike.
  • they help children develop self-confidence and a sense of achievement.


The product description usually specifies the recommended age of the child or its minimum height. The inflatable wheel variant is more comfortable for children and the presence of a lever brake builds good habits from an early age.

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